Albany Public Schools Foundation

What We Do

The mission of the Foundation is to generate and distribute resources that enrich and enhance education opportunities for all students, encourage teachers to implement innovative educational programs, and award scholarships to Albany Public School District students.

Albany Public Schools Foundation partners with the Greater Albany Public School District to help Albany students succeed. See what services we provide below.

Big Impact Grants with Albany Public Schools Foundation
Grants supporting a multi-school collaborative big impact project.
Grants for teachers to support enrichment opportunities in the classroom.
Grants for innovative programs that support enrichment opportunities.

Each spring the Foundation awards scholarship to graduating seniors from Albany Options, South Albany, and West Albany High School.

Breaking down barriers in education due to issues such as financial challenges and other educational obstacles.

Water Awareness from Albany Public Schools Foundation

Water Awareness

Teaching all 3rd and 4th grade students how to swim
Suicide Prevention services from Albany Public Schools Foundation

Suicide Prevention

Supporting the Sources of Strength suicide prevention and anti-bullying program

Providing resources for students and teachers in the classroom

Providing flexibility for projects that come up outside of the normal APSF grant cycles

You + APSF: We Can Do This!

You care about education and are passionate about providing opportunities for Albany students to succeed. We are too! Let’s join forces in support of Albany kids. Click subscribe and fill out the form to stay updated on ways you can make a difference.